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A rare Meme

Well how about that! The good people at TypePad have spruced up the composition function. Looks like I pick a font, and even choose the paragraph alignment that I like (about time guys!). Oh, and they finally got the spell check working right!

Anyway, this is not about TP, it's about me (isn't it always?). My good friend Mary has tagged me for a meme. Now it should be noted that there are two types of people who do memes, a) those who are new to blogging and get a big thrill out of being tagged, and b) those who have been blogging for a while and have simply ran out of steam. Don't get me wrong, this is in no way a criticism, it's more of an explanation of why I'm doing this despite publicly (and privately stating on numerous occasions that I don't do memes. You see the thing is, while formerly I was the former and lately I've become the latter, for a long time I was the bit in between, you know, the period where you actually have something to write about.

So here I am, at a time in my blogging life when I've all but run out of both things to say, and the motivation to say them, and what better way to produce a post is there than to do a meme, so here it is. Oh, I've modified it just a fraction to be a bit more consistent with the theme of the meme of the meme of themem….

One: Story from ten years ago?
Well, this is a little hard for me, ten years ago was not the best of times, it was when I was given a lesson in mortality. Briefly it went like this…January my father died, April my mother died, July I spent four days in intensive care following a stress induced stroke that resulted in infarcted kidneys. August I decided that working in corporate world was no longer of any interest to me.

Two: Items on today's to-do list.
1) Wake up,
2) Scratch balls.

Three: Things I'd do if I were a Billionaire.
1) Buy all the companies that use off-shore call centres and sack the board of directors, CEOs and upper management.
2) Buy petrol, hell I think I'd even fill the tank.
3) Take a million from what's left and give the rest away.

Four: Bad habits.
1) I know you'll find this hard to believe, but I can be a little abrupt sometimes.
2) Letting the dogs have the run of the house.
3) Being irresponsible with money.
4) Blogging.

Five: Places I have lived.
1) Sydney, Aust.
2) Christchurch, NZ.
3) New Eltham, UK.
4) Omemee, Can.
5) San Jose, USA.

Six: Jobs I've had.
1) Electrician. (mining)
2) Carpenter. (housing construction)
3) Analyst Programmer. (banking)
4) Project Manager. (various IT projects)
5) Network Manager. (large utility)

Well that it's it for me, thanks Mary. I don't tag, but if you've run out of ideas for a post, then doing this meme may help.