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I’m an avid recycler.

I am a passionate recycler, in fact this is where I was yesterday (it’s only a short drive from my place).


Here’s a closer look, the facility (I love calling it that, it’s really just a tin wall with holes, in front of a bunch of 50 gallon drums) is run by the local Aboriginal community.

So why am I posting pictures and writing about a recycling ‘facility’?  Well, I’ll tell ya. Today’s story first appeared in OUAB in July, but since Julie, and possibly Robin are the only ones that may have read it, it’s worth another run. I feel like a TV network in the non-ratings season. It may be a bit crappy, after all I hadn’t found my style yet (man if I knew then that all I needed was to be insulting, I never would have gone to the trouble of writing this).

Anyway I hope you enjoy "May Ahms Cart"….

When I lived in England I worked for a department store called Marks & Spencer. Not all dressed up nice and selling quality merchandise, but in a small warehouse loading trucks. Not loading quality merchandise but rather, shop fixture and fittings, toilet rolls and paper goods, stationary and anything else to do with the operation of the stores.

This was unskilled labour, and everyone except me was Irish. One day I was working with Paddy and Paddy (that wasn’t their real names but to Aussies all Irish are Paddy and all Scots are Jock, interestingly the Scots call everyone Jimmie). Old Paddy had lived in England for a long time and spoke quite clearly. Young Paddy was another matter; he had only been there for a couple of weeks and was near impossible to understand.

We had to load one of those (heavy) refrigerated deli display units onto a truck. This was one big mutha and it would be a tight squeeze getting it onto the loading dock. I was at the back pushing and young Paddy was at the front pulling and guiding it through the door. “Weet! Mairnscart!” he called called out to me.  Not being fluent in Gaelic, and seeing no sign of a Wheatman’s cart, I took this to be Irish for “Push harder!”. This was not the time to discuss the Irish language, so I just pushed harder. “Asset weet! May Airn Scart!” he repeated (this time a bit louder) and once again I complied. It was then that Old Paddy, who had been alerted by young Paddy’s increasing volume, came rushing over and shouted at me “He said wait! His hand’s caught!”. Which, I now saw, it was.

In fact all I could see was four fingers sticking out between the fridge and the door frame. Unfortunately we were laughing so much it took us another couple of minutes before we could free his hand. (It didn’t help that while we were pulling our guts out trying to get the unit off his fingers, I yelled “Pull man! Pull like you’re pulling an Arab off your sister!”). Until then I had never  seen an old man’s knees buckle and collapse in hysterics on to the ground. That’s one thing about the Irish, they not only tell a good joke; they appreciate one too. Oh yeah, no broken fingers, just bruising and swelling.

Hmmm, it’s a lot shorter than I thought it was.

21 Responses

  1. ROFL!!! That was a great one! I could imagine it all!! Poor Young Paddy!! Oh and I can’t wait to use your “pull” line!! That is hilarious!!!

  2. Ahhh…yessss, deja vu all over again. I could hear this then, I can hear it now (‘cept this time I knew where you were going). Man, I love a good Irish brogue. Did I comment on this one back “then”? Lord knows I was trying to exercise restraint.

    Guess what? This time YOU wrote about something I’m going to post about…a “challenge” between me and Swampy. Now I need the tin hat…!


  3. “Dingo’s Got my Barbie”


  4. LOL! Thanks for sharing that!

  5. Awww, thanks, WT!! I’m sittin’ here at work wearing the sweater I got in Ireland on my honeymoon and my Celtic knot earrings, and then you tell this great story!!

    All I need now is a Guiness!!


  6. How did you do this?
    Sent it to bloglines
    as a Dingo got my blogger

  7. How did you do this?
    Sent it to bloglines
    as a Dingo got my barbie

    dang… I hit post instead of preview.

  8. Okay.. I see

    you renamed your blog.
    and Once isn’t even on my blog lines.

    Suddenly I have this new blog appearing at the top (alhabetized.. Not by me Robin… by bloglines)

    I’m thinking who the ratsdoo is this???

    Of course, of course,

    WT you may be interest on the third post it says :submit query: instead of Post or Preview.

  9. You know you’re freakin’ us all out, here, WT!!!

    Changing your blog title…can’t.wrap.head.around.imagery.

    You nutty nut, you!

  10. I had to leave and come back in order to post a 4th time. Typepad is anti-S-Pam.

    I have gone back and read a bunch of your old stuff, but I missed this one.
    You crazy guys ever get any work done between all your cut-ups?

    I’m leaving now before the PC cops show up.

    (I must be in competition with SW to do the most ps)

  11. Ah, yes, learning new languages can always spell out danger on occasion.

  12. ROFL!!! (*Tears streaming down my face*). Ohhhh, funny.

    I’m sorry the Dingo’s got your Barbie. Are you speaking of your Barbie Doll or your Bar-B-Q? Not that it really matters.

  13. One more thing. About my 7-year old standing next to me when I opened your blog yesterday – honest mistake. He was really BEHIND me. I didn’t know he was standing there. TRUST ME, it won’t happen again. EVER.

    That was a close one.

  14. …this is so very confusing to me: “pull?” I thought is was “gee” and “haw” when you had mules, I mean Percherons –
    “challenge?” I just love a good challenge: alphabetizing my trash AND my closet with Robin’s help – “bloglines?” would someone please explain that to me and how do you do it? – His dingo is named Barbie? What was the name of the glob (whoops- blog) in the first place? I really don’t spell it that way on purpose, I promise.- Competition? Who can have the most P.P.P.P.S’s? – You go Pamela ! What was shorter than you thought?
    Over-and-out…of it…

  15. I remember that story!! I’m glad you recycled!!

  16. Great line, LOL!

    Ah, the Irish. I have Irish next-door neighbors. And I better just stop right there.

    Glad no one lost any digits or limbs!

  17. Or – did the Dingo Eat your barbie?

    Great post – I’m sorry I missed it the first time around. Too funny, but you know, after I found out what the guy was saying, when I said it aloud in my Scottish brogue – it did sound like the correct thing. Too funny

  18. I’m glad you and Min made up. No one can stay made at a “green” conscious citizen, such as yourself.

    We have the high tech container squishing machines. I gotta tell you though.. you really shouldn’t stick your hand in one if anything gets stuck. Really. Shouldn’t.

    Your recycling facility looks much more interesting.

  19. huh. I caught Jenny’s typo-fever.

    I meant..

    No one can stay MAD at a green conscious…


  20. Ahhh haaa glad I wasn’t the only slipped up by the title change;P.. that was funny language barriors are delightful at times. Recently talked with a friend of mine from australia.. that was interesting to say the lest. Still trying to twist my brains around some of the different ussages of words. *blink*

  21. I want to see pictures of the Aboriginal community.

    Think maybe you could arrange an Aborigane pen pal for me?

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